Robert is a fitness instructor and personal trainer at Body Health and Fitness with many years of experience training private clients, running classes and designing tailored health and fitness programmes. He is a founder of Body Health and Fitness. He has featured many times in the media including a television documentary which followed the progress of one of his clients. He is enthusiastic, encouraging and focused on achieving results for his clients. His open and approachable style ensures his clients are not put off by an over-bearing approach. Furthermore, his clients appreciate that it is their goals which are all important. He follows a programme of continuous professional development which keeps him up to date with the most recent developments and techniques in health and fitness training. His success in this area is attributed to by the many testimonials he has received from satisfied clients.
Colin McEndoo
Colin is a fitness instructor and personal trainer with many years of experience training private clients, running classes and designing tailored training programmes. He is enthusiastic, encouraging and focused on achieving results for his clients. He is most interested in dispelling many of the fitness myths that leave people more confused when it comes to nutrition. As with Robert he follows a programme of continuous professional development both here and abroad attending seminars and further education with some of the leading names in health, fitness and nutrition.