We’re almost into another January…a time where we all make that confident public promise – THIS is the year we’re going to finally get into shape.
The statistics unfortunately show that fervour has all but disappeared, even as early as February…in fact some gyms count on that.
This article will attempt to help you from becoming one of those statistics. The real key to changing your body composition is consistency and that means making it well past February, and these are our 3 things that we think de-rail that and what to do instead.
The statistics unfortunately show that fervour has all but disappeared, even as early as February…in fact some gyms count on that.
This article will attempt to help you from becoming one of those statistics. The real key to changing your body composition is consistency and that means making it well past February, and these are our 3 things that we think de-rail that and what to do instead.
‘This one magic trick that melts belly fat’…
This is the very first thing to address on the list, you’ll be bombarded with fad diets, potions or pills from every angle, along with shakes, ready made meals, detox packs and sticking a latin name on whatever herb is in vogue this year.
If you take nothing else from this article it’s the fact that there is no magic bullet, none, and there’s not ever likely to be either. It might sound harsh but the sooner you get your head around it the quicker you can move on, and adjust your mindset to hitting the things that are actually proven to work.
If you take nothing else from this article it’s the fact that there is no magic bullet, none, and there’s not ever likely to be either. It might sound harsh but the sooner you get your head around it the quicker you can move on, and adjust your mindset to hitting the things that are actually proven to work.
What to do instead…
Educate yourself, try to learn what you’re body actually needs in order to thrive, think about nourishing it properly rather than depriving it. The words ‘lifestyle change’ are often touted, but a simple method of looking at nutrition is to ask yourself one question…is this plan something I can see myself working with 3, 6 or 12 months time from now. Our quick start guide on our homepage has tips to help you here in a logical manner, just sign up for our newsletter and you’ll have instant access.
Stop comparing yourself to others
We’re starting to hate instagram when it comes to the vast majority of fitness posters that use it. Every day it (and other social media outlets) are perpetuating this ‘idilic body shape’ equally for men and women.
In most extreme cases i.e. a decent level of muscle mass with very low levels of body fat takes a huge sacrifice in terms of training and nutrition, and in some cases may even include the use of illegal substances. (very much the elephant in the room at the moment).
In most extreme cases i.e. a decent level of muscle mass with very low levels of body fat takes a huge sacrifice in terms of training and nutrition, and in some cases may even include the use of illegal substances. (very much the elephant in the room at the moment).
What to do instead…
All that isn’t to say you shouldn’t have a goal or vision in mind, but be careful how far you take it, and genetics play a large part in your body shape too, just aim to become the best version of yourself you can, and learn that real change takes time, chart your progress with pictures and adjust accordingly.
Training extremes
Finally, it’s training and as with nutrition taking things to extremes will see you burnt out, de-motivated or injured. The internet and magazines will be full of ‘High Intensity’ workouts that aren’t always that balanced, people take up running and hop straight into a 5k or even a 10k and wonder why their knees are sore, quickly followed by the running shoes/gym gear being hidden away for another year.
What to do instead…
Find something you think you’re going to enjoy doing and work into it slowly, remember consistency is the key, and you simply won’t stick to something you won’t enjoy. Progression is motivating too, so starting slowly leaves you room to build on each session. Thankfully people seem to be starting to realise that strength training can give you the biggest bang for your buck in terms of body shape change, but again do some research and ease yourself in.