Ok, here's (hopefully) a balanced view on the Vegan diet... What is it? A diet based primarily on plant sources with several different routes to take, but we’ll focus on vegan here meaning an avoidance of all animal produce. Currently popular possibly due to some high profile documentaries.
The good: Possibly a more sustainable way of feeding the planet along with taking a stand against animal cruelty and exploitation We could probably all stand to benefit from adopting more vegetarian habits, fruits, vegetables and less fatty processed animal meats.
The bad: You’ll have to consciously go out of your way to ensure you hit certain essential nutrient levels such as protein, calcium, VitD,
iron, VitB12, despite claims that these are easy to hit through plant based foods. If you’re considering going this route please do as much research as you can and possibly in conjunction with your GP and a dietitian. It also makes for quite an impractical daily regime.
The stupid: The belief from some vegan factions, that beyond anything else this is the ‘healthiest’ way to eat. As above, any diet that leaves you deficient in essential nutrients simply can’t claim to be the bastion of health.
The good: Possibly a more sustainable way of feeding the planet along with taking a stand against animal cruelty and exploitation We could probably all stand to benefit from adopting more vegetarian habits, fruits, vegetables and less fatty processed animal meats.
The bad: You’ll have to consciously go out of your way to ensure you hit certain essential nutrient levels such as protein, calcium, VitD,
iron, VitB12, despite claims that these are easy to hit through plant based foods. If you’re considering going this route please do as much research as you can and possibly in conjunction with your GP and a dietitian. It also makes for quite an impractical daily regime.
The stupid: The belief from some vegan factions, that beyond anything else this is the ‘healthiest’ way to eat. As above, any diet that leaves you deficient in essential nutrients simply can’t claim to be the bastion of health.